
How to Create an App Without Coding

September 5, 2024
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Do you want to build an app but have zero coding skills?

In the past, you would have had to hire an agency that specializes in mobile app development. This would have gotten very expensive, very quickly. Basic apps can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars to develop and complex apps have been known to cost companies over $150,000. Yikes!

Here’s the good news: You can absolutely build an app without coding. The best part? It’s actually affordable. 

As technology advances, it becomes more accessible to the masses. This means that entrepreneurs, small business owners, and tech geeks can make apps without coding experience!

Companies like Blaze.Tech are making this possible. Here’s what you need to know.

App Builder Without Coding: The Ultimate Guide

So how is it possible to build an app without having to hire a professional developer?

It’s thanks to no-code platforms such as Blaze.Tech.

To fully understand this, let’s take a look at a separate yet related topic: Websites.

Not long ago, websites were similar to apps. You had to hire expensive agencies and professional web developers to build a website. This resulted in upfront costs for development. But it also became expensive to maintain the website. Why? You had to go back to the developer for every new update, blog post, and landing page.

In other words, you could have a website, but you had very little control over it. Each update you needed on the website also meant more costs for you because you couldn’t do it yourself. 

Then something changed websites forever: No-code and low-code website builders.

You’ve probably heard of platforms such as Wix and Squarespace. These website builders are known for “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG). On these platforms, you can drag and drop elements to create your website. No coding is needed! Simply drag and drop what you want into place – and what you see is what you get on your website!

It couldn’t be easier.

So why does any of that matter?

Because it’s exactly how you can create a mobile app without code. Just as website builders allow you to drag and drop elements into place, no-code app builders are revolutionizing how easy it is to build apps and tools!

Yes, creating a mobile app without code is as simple as dragging and dropping elements where you need them. 

Who Can Build an App on a No-Code Platform?

Anyone who needs an app can build an app. 

We’ve all heard those inspiring success stories about startups that began in someone’s garage. Businesses like Apple and Amazon had humble beginnings and have gone on to become some of the largest companies in history. 

It’s always exciting to read about underdog stories. Blaze.Tech exists to empower every business and every underdog to build and launch an app without writing a single line of code.

Apps can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Consider some of the possibilities:

  • Small business owners can utilize an app to better serve their customers.
  • Ecommerce stores can tap into the mobile app market and improve mobile sales.
  • Restaurants can easily launch mobile menus, mobile ordering, delivery services, and customer loyalty programs.
  • Businesses can create a mobile solution for HR and efficient employee communication.
  • Schools and universities can launch a mobile solution for faculty, students, staff, and parents. 
  • Gyms, personal trainers, and fitness instructors can better serve their clients.
  • Health professionals can improve the client experience.
  • Churches and religious organizations can engage with their congregation on the go; they can even build in a tithing feature so someone can give via smartphone.
  • Musicians, bands, and entertainers can announce live events, sell merchandise, and improve the fan experience.
  • Influencers, content creators, and podcast hosts can expand their reach.
  • DIY entrepreneurs can create a new app-based business without breaking the bank.
  • Agencies and white label resellers can create and launch apps for their clients.

The possibilities are endless! 

If you have an idea for an app, you can make it a reality. Thanks to no-coding solutions, you don’t have to spend time learning to code. Instead, you can focus on what matters most to you: Running your business and growing your brand. 

Why Choose A No-Code App Builder?

Before we dive into how to build an app without coding, it’s important to understand why. In most cases, a no-code app builder is the best option.

Hiring an agency is expensive. Freelance developers can be just as costly. For most apps, a no-code builder is more than enough to create an awesome app. 

However, there are a few cases where hiring professionals might be best. For example, if you want to create a mobile gaming app, then that will require extensive graphics and responsive work. What about a virtual reality app? Or an augmented reality app? These are also examples of highly specific apps that need specialized support.

Still, there are many benefits to using a web based app maker. Here’s what to consider:

  • Easy to update and maintain
  • No hidden fees
  • Your app will work for both iOS and Android
  • Build an app without hiring a development team
  • Much cheaper than hiring an agency
  • No coding experience needed

This is the future. 

No-code platforms are only going to become more and more popular. With popularity comes accessibility.

By entering the space now, you are giving yourself an advantage. You will enter the market sooner. Your app will be able to capture more of your market share. The first-mover advantage belongs to people who are looking to build an app without coding.

Below is the App Development Process using App Builders.

Step #1: Choose a No-Code App Builder

This is the most important step of the process.

There are so many web app development platforms out there. Don’t just choose the first one you see. Instead, do your research and pick the best for your needs.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

What is my budget?

Don’t just look for the cheapest option. Super cheap options are probably cheap for a reason. Instead, have a clear budget in mind. When you’re doing your research, you’ll be able to see what options are within your budget. 

A realistic price range is between $30 and $150 per month. If you want something more advanced than a basic app, you’ll have to pay for a custom solution. But if you are looking to build an app without coding, then you should expect to pay within the $30 to $150 ballpark each month.

Is the platform trustworthy?

Some of the most trusted review websites are Capterra and G2. Take a look at the reviews other people are leaving. What did they like about the platform? Did they have a good experience with customer support? Are current customers recommending the builder? These are some of the questions you’ll want to ask while researching what platform to use.   

Can I see a demo?

Here’s the reality: There will be a learning curve for any platform that you choose. But some platforms will be easier to use than others. If a platform offers a demo, it’s probably a sign that they are confident in their ease of use. This will give you the opportunity to get a sneak peak behind the scenes. Is the interface clean? If the interface is sleek, then it’ll be easier to use! 

Remember, there will always be a learning curve. Still, the best no-code platforms should have sleek interfaces to make the process as easy as possible. After all, how can you trust an app builder to create your app if their own platform is messy? A professional front end is a good sign. A demo will confirm whether or not the platform is the right fit!

Can I get customization/support if I need it?

Most people should be able to build a native mobile app without learning to code. But what if there’s an advanced feature that you want? Does the platform offer any customization? Perhaps you want enhanced security for the app. Maybe you need custom integrations that aren’t widely available yet. Whatever your needs, the ability to customize is crucial. 

Even if you don’t need customized solutions right now, you might need them in the future. After all, hopefully your business will grow – and with it, the needs for your app. Select a no-code app builder that offers customized solutions. You might not need it now, but you’ll be happy to have the option in the future!

Not every no-code platform offers this service. 

This won’t be a concern if you just need a simple app. But you never know what features you might want in the future! If your needs grow, you’ll be happy to have the option to customize.

Step #2: Pick the Right Plan

Once you pick the best web app maker, it’s time to pick the right plan for you. Just like Step 1, you’ll want to take your time here. Consider the price points and the features that come with each tier. 

At Blaze.Tech, we offer 3 different tiers:

Blaze tech pricing

You have the option to choose between monthly payments and annual payments.

If you pay monthly, you’ll pay a little more. The upside is that you have more flexibility because you can cancel at any time. If you go annual, you’ll save a considerable amount of money. However, you’ll have to pay upfront. 

There are pros and cons to both. If flexibility is your top priority, then choose a monthly plan. Similarly, if you want to have an app just to “try it out,” then monthly might be good. It’s also a great option for startup businesses and DIY entrepreneurs who might not have the capital to pay upfront.

On the other hand, if you know for a fact that you want to invest in an app long term, then the annual payment is clearly the better deal. It’s a discounted monthly rate. This means you can invest the savings into other areas of your business. 

The cost to build a mobile app should be available to you upfront. If a company is being shady or trying to hide their costs, then you might want to think twice before doing business with them. Pricing transparency is key to making the best decision possible. 

But price shouldn’t be the only factor. You’ll also want to think about the features that you need and want.


To choose the right plan for you, ask yourself the following questions:

Who’s going to work on the backend of the app?

If you’re going to be the only one building and managing the app, then a Basic plan might be best for you. But if you want more than one editor, then consider a Growth based plan. Are you working for an agency that wants to white label apps? Then you’ll want to invest in a Custom plan designed for enterprise businesses. 

Do I need extra app security?

No matter which plan you choose, your app will have enterprise level security features. But there are some industries that require advanced security. Anything based in healthcare, for example, will need HIPAA compliance. In this case, you’ll need a custom solution. Similarly, if you want single sign on (SSO) authentication and two-factor authentication (2FA), then you’ll need a custom solution for your app. 

Will external users be able to use the app?

Most basic plans will not allow for external users, so you’ll want to select a higher tier if this is something you need. 

If you aren’t sure which plan is right for you, then be sure to ask about it during the demo. The demo process is more than just seeing the capability of a no-code app builder.

Step #3: Create a Game Plan

No matter which web app development platform you choose, the process of creating the app is going to seem daunting at first. 

Yes, going no-code makes the process easier and simpler than ever before! But there are so many options, features, and integrations that you can utilize. Where will you begin?

It might be tempting to jump in head first and begin playing around. If you want to familiarize yourself with the platform first, then go for it! However, if you want to maximize your time and make the process as efficient as possible, then create a game plan. Here’s why:

  • It’ll save you time. Having a game plan will give you a checklist of things to do while making your app. You won’t be guessing about what you need to do next. Instead, you’ll have a clear vision of what to accomplish and how to make it happen. 
  • You’ll better define the app’s purpose. Right now, you probably have a general idea of what you want the app to do. Creating a game plan elevates that idea to the next level. Now, you have to put ideas onto paper and start listing out the purpose, features, and capabilities of the app. By having a clearly defined list, you’ll know where to start and what to do.
  • Everyone will be on the same page. When it comes to organizational success, communication is key. If you are going to build an app without coding for a company or organization, then different people are going to have different expectations. You don’t want to put the work into building an app, only to have to start over from scratch because people on the team want something else. By creating a game plan, you can hash out expectations. 
  • You can prioritize. Without a game plan, you’ll be scrambling in the dark. With a clear vision, you can prioritize which tasks are the most important. Not only is this more efficient, but this will help you launch the app sooner than you thought possible. The best part? The items that are most important to you will be taken care of first. 

If you were hiring a developer or an app development agency, they would create a game plan. This is how professionals do it. Why shouldn’t you take a page from their book? 

Think about it this way: At an app development company, there are multiple moving pieces. There’s the project manager who oversees the entire project. It’s up to the project manager to make sure that the development is efficient and thorough. 

There’s an app designer who’s in charge of the user experience. They create the visual design, layout, and skeleton of the app. Once the app designer is finished with the outline, then an iOS developer and Android developer steps in to actually build the app.

But that’s not all.

There’s the quality assurance agent. These are testers who actually use the app to make sure it works as intended. If there are any issues, they report them back to the project manager. Testers are important for quality assurance because they give you an accurate picture of how the app actually works. 


If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is. There are so many steps that go into making an app.

This is why having a game plan is so crucial.

So how can you make your own game plan? Ask yourself the following questions: 

What problem is the app trying to solve?

What is the problem? And who are we solving it for? Even if you have a solid vision for your app, don’t skip this step. There are so many options when you build an app without coding. This can result in distraction. By having a clear purpose, you can cut through the noise and focus on what you need to do. 

Are you trying to streamline internal workflow processes? Are you trying to help people with their finances? Are you an influencer trying to create better content? 

Different needs require different solutions. When you build an app without coding, it’s tempting to go big or go home. A lot of people get carried away with what they can do. Instead, the question should be: Do we need to do this? Does our app actually need this functionality? 

By answering the problem you’re solving and identifying your target audience, you will have the clearest vision yet for your app!

What will the key features of the app be?

Now that you know the app’s purpose, you can begin diving into the specifics. The best way to do this is to pretend you’re the user. Ask yourself this: If I used the app today, how would I use it? Where would I want to find things? What would I expect to see?

This puts you in the shoes of your target audience. When you know what they need, then you can meet those needs!

Examples might include:

  • Push notifications
  • Messaging
  • Onboarding, log-in, sign-up
  • Appointment reminders
  • Lead routing
  • Etc.

If you use a solution like Blaze.Tech, you can automatically connect into any data source or API. You don’t have to write a single line of code! We have pre-built integrations with the following databases and systems:

  • Intuit Quickbooks
  • DocuSign
  • Google Sheets
  • Hubspot
  • Zendesk
  • Amazon S3
  • Shopify
  • Stripe
  • Excel
  • And much more!

Again, a game plan all comes down to efficiency. By listing your key features, you can implement them as quickly as possible.

What’s my timeline?

The final step to your game plan should be to create a timeline. This gives you a clear goal to work towards. In most cases, it’s best to think of the big picture, then start looking at the smaller details. 

For example, what’s the ideal date you want to launch the app? Once you have that date, then you can set a date of when you’d like the first draft to be completed. Be sure to schedule enough time in-between the first draft and launch date so that you can make any revisions. This is especially important if you’re creating the app for your organization or for the client. 

You want your timeline to be realistic, flexible, yet give you the best entry date possible.

Step #4: Set User Permissions

Right from the beginning, it’s critical to manage user permissions.

This is what keeps your app safe and secure.

User Permission

You will be able to clearly see who has access to your app, and what permissions they have. 

Here are the terms you need to know:

  • Admin. Those with Administrator permissions have the most power over the app. This access level should only be given to your organization’s most trusted people. Admins are users who can make changes that have a universal impact across all users.
  • Manager. This permission setting is a step below admin. If you want to give someone the ability to make basic edits, but not access the core settings, then this is the access level you’ll want to give.
  • Author. Someone with the Author permission only has the ability to publish on the app. For example, if the app is for a band, then the Author can publish announcements for tour dates, new music, and merchandise. Authors only publish content, but have no other control over the app itself.

If you are collaborating with other people, it’s important to get this step right. Proper user permissions are important for app security. It’s also key to managing the app and its content once the app is live. 

Step #5: Customize, Customize, Customize!

Let’s begin with the basics. 

First, you’ll want to brand your application. This includes uploading your logo to the platform and replacing any “filler” text (such as the app name) with the proper information. Another consideration is customizing the app with color scheme. If you already have a website, it’s helpful to think of the app as an “extension” of the website. You don’t have to reinvent the branding wheel. Rather, make sure that the branding is consistent between the app and your existing assets!

Next, you’ll want to use the drag and drop creator to put everything into place.

Build app without coding

Drag and drop templates are the secret sauce of how to build an app without coding. You don’t need to be a web developer or know iOS code and Android code. Thanks to no-code solutions, you can drag and drop what you need into place and trust that all the technical aspects are taken care of.

Feel free to experiment with different themes and templates. While you can drag and drop elements anywhere you want, different themes have different vibes. For example, a healthcare focused app is likely going to want a different theme or template compared to an app for ecommerce purchases. 

This is the beauty of no-code solutions. 

You can quickly experiment with different options. In a high-code situation, you would have to spend time and resources if you wanted to experiment or A/B test different options. This is costly and inefficient.

Compare that to no-code and low-code platforms, where you can visualize your app’s progress in real time with little to no coding. 

During this process, be sure to reference the game plan that you created in Step #3. You can even use your game plan as a to-do list. 

Finally, bring in any external data you need. Blaze.Tech has many built in integrations into outside databases and systems. The process is simple and doesn’t require you to write a single line of code. All the technical aspects have been taken care of for you!

Simply add all the features you need!

Step #6: Test and Review

Now it’s time to review your application. Have you accomplished everything from your game plan? Does everything work seamlessly?

Again, put yourself in the shoes of your app’s target user. This will help you understand the user experience and how successful your app will be. If something needs to be tweaked, then do it during this phase.

If you’re building the app for a client, then allow the client to review the app before you publish it. However, the bigger the organization, the more cooks in the kitchen. This can make the review and approval process more complicated than it needs to be. Consider limiting the rounds of revisions that will be made. This will help ensure that feedback is efficient and thoroughly thought out. 

Step #7: Publish and Go Live


You’ve officially built an app without coding.

Now it’s time to share your creation with the world. When you publish your app and go live, you need to give people a way to access the app. All it takes is a click to push the app to the Apple app store and Google Play. 

Simply click the button, and we’ll handle the rest.

You won’t need to worry about any of the technical aspects. Authentication services? We got you. Push notification servers? Yeah, we handle that as well. Backend maintenance for the servers? Our problem, not yours. 

We handle the technical aspects, so you can focus on what you do best: Improving your brand and bettering your organization. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between no-code, low-code, and high code?

No-code means that you can build an app without coding at all. There is absolutely zero technical skill needed other than clicking, dragging, and dropping. Low-code is a term that is often used interchangeably with no-code. 

On the other hand, high code means that the code is written manually. This is software, such as a mobile responsive web app, that is coded by hand by a team of programmers. 

What is the cost to build a web app? 

High code is higher cost.

Low code is lower cost.

No code is usually the lowest cost.

Apps that are custom built by developers and agencies usually cost from $30,000 to $300,000. The final cost is dependent on the features of the app as well as the size of the project. Some apps (the most complicated) have cost more than $300,000, according to Net Solutions. This is the high end of the spectrum. Low-code is usually a step cheaper than high code, but still not as affordable as no-code.

No-code app platforms can cost as little as $30/user/month to as much as $5,000 per month for platforms that include professional services. If you opt to pay upfront for an annual subscription, this cost drops and breaks down to $25 to $125 per month for the starter plan on Blaze. There are considerable savings to paying annually, whereas monthly payments provide more flexibility.

What are the benefits of building mobile apps with a no-code app builder?

Here are some of the reasons why more people are going no-code:

  • Massive cost savings. Rather than paying thousands up front for an app, you’re paying anywhere from $25 to $150 per month. Even if you want a custom solution from a no-code platform, that custom solution is going to be much cheaper than high-code developers.
  • Faster development. Because you’re dragging and dropping elements into place on a template, the time it takes to build the app is minimal. Compare this to traditional coding and app development, which can take weeks because everything is coded by hand. Faster development means faster entry to market.
  • Greater control. In addition to having upfront control during development, you have even more control after the app is published and live. Think about it: With high-code apps, you have to go back to the developer or agency for every update. But with low-code development, you can make changes any time you want. 
  • Collaboration features. No one on your internal team has to feel left out during the process. You can have multiple people involved while maintaining app security. Simply set the appropriate permissions (Admin, Manager, Author) to make collaboration as streamlined as possible.
  • Quickly adopt. Times change, demands change, and audience expectations change. The reality is that after you launch your app, you’re eventually going to have to make updates. You can make updates in just a few clicks of a button. Say goodbye to waiting weeks for high-code developers to implement those updates. This will keep you on the cutting edge.

With so many benefits of building web apps with a no-code app builder, it’s no wonder that no-code is quickly gaining popularity!

Final Thoughts on Build Apps without Coding

If you want to build an app but have zero coding skills, you can do it thanks to no-code solutions!

It’s important to find the right no-code platform for your needs. 

Blaze.Tech allows you to build and launch in minutes. This is why people across industries have trusted us as their no-code platform of choice. We offer more than just your typical mobile responsive web app development services. 


  • Provide an all-in-one builder. When we say all-in-one, we mean it literally. We want to make this process as easy as possible so you can focus on your business. Select a theme/template and simply drag and drop!
  • Support your team with internal tools. Need customizable templates for your app? We offer Client Portals, Forms & Workflows, Inventory Management, and more.
  • Ensure enterprise security and scalability. We are HIPAA compliant and offer SSO, 2FA, and a wide range of other enterprise level security features. This is why Fortune 500 companies and healthcare organizations trust us with their no-code needs.

To learn more and see our no-code software up close, we encourage you to request a demo. We’d be thrilled to show you why we are the smarter no-code platform! 

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