
Choosing the Right Contract Management App: Best Practices

September 2, 2024
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Ever been in that nerve-wracking spot, juggling between heaps of contracts, some in files, others in email threads, and a few more on that desktop folder you've forgotten about?

Yeah, we've all been there. 

The evolving digital business landscape has swiftly transformed the way we handle agreements. 

Every single email or digital handshake represents an agreement or a promise, which often means... you guessed it, more contracts.

And here's the kicker: managing contracts isn't just about staying organized. 

It's about ensuring that every piece of the puzzle, every deal, every handshake, and every commitment is honored and traceable. 

Without a streamlined app for contract management, things can get messy, fast. 

Think about it: What happens when a commitment gets lost? Or a detail gets overlooked because it was hidden in a maze of paperwork and digital clutter?

Contract management apps have emerged as the unsung heroes in this scenario, helping businesses manage agreements in an efficient, trackable manner. 

But with the overwhelming number of tools and platforms out there, how do you find the one that's just right? The one that understands your unique challenges and, more importantly, offers actionable solutions?

Fear not. 

Whether you're in the early stages of managing contracts or simply looking to elevate your game, we're here to guide you.

In this guide, we'll unpack best practices, common pitfalls, and the top features to look for. Ready to dive into the world of efficient contract management? Let's begin with addressing the largest challenges when it comes to managing your contracts. 

The Underlying Challenges of Contract Management

The digital realm is taking over almost every corner of the business world. 

Yet, contract management often remains an exception. 

If we take a step back, it's evident that contracts are the lifeblood of any organization. From real estate to tech, every transaction requires a legally binding agreement.

Hence, having a clear, efficient, and secured contract management process is paramount.

If you are searching for a contract management app, here are some of the challenges you likely face:

1. The Arduous Battle with Manual Processes

Even today, numerous businesses are trapped in the time-consuming spiral of manual paperwork. 

Though we live in an age of instant messaging and AI-driven tools, some organizations still work with hard copy contracts. 

It's not uncommon for them to resort to the traditional routine of print, sign, scan, and then store.

According to a McKinsey study, employees spend 20% to 25% of their time merely searching for information due to archaic processes, which is both time-consuming and prone to human error.

What's even more troubling is how manual document management can bottleneck the sales cycle. 

Without an efficient system, tasks as simple as retrieving a document can become a day-long ordeal. This not only hampers productivity but can also lead to missed opportunities and revenue loss.

2. The Integration Jigsaw with Modern Digital Tools

Every single industry has unique tools and digital resources to boost productivity.

For example, let’s take a look at real estate. Curious about the buzzword, “what is a CRM in real estate?” Think of it as a specialized tool for managing client interactions. 

In a similar vein, many businesses use digital solutions for contract management. 

However, these solutions often don’t "talk" to each other. 

When you've got one software for contract collaboration and another for customer tracking and another for communication, etc., you're setting yourself up for a myriad of issues.

The potential for data loss, duplicated work, and overlooked contract stipulations becomes almost inevitable. In other words, the lack of a cohesive digital ecosystem turns what should be straightforward tasks into prolonged, error-prone endeavors.

3. The Shadow of Security Concerns

In our progressively digital age, the specter of cyber threats looms large. 

Contracts are sensitive. They house classified information, financial clauses, and proprietary terms. A breach can be disastrous.

Many companies still lack a consolidated contract lifecycle management system, which means tracking changes, especially unauthorized ones, becomes a cumbersome task. 

It's not just about having encrypted contracts storage but ensuring that every access point, every change, every collaboration is logged, monitored, and secured.

4. The Financial and Efficiency Quagmire

Many companies, in an attempt to modernize, invest in a plethora of tools. 

One might be great for creating contract templates, while another shines in storage or collaboration. But using multiple platforms isn't just inefficient—it's costly. 

Every added system means another subscription, another training session, another potential point of failure. 

Businesses need a tool that can handle everything, from draft to signature, without the need to jump between platforms.

5. The Real Cost of Diverse Tools

With the myriad of tools available, companies may find themselves juggling multiple platforms, each serving a different aspect of contract management. 

The inefficiency of such an approach cannot be overstated. Consider the cost – not just in terms of money but also in terms of time and lost productivity. 

Every minute spent toggling between tools or tracking down misplaced contract details is a minute lost.

Simply put:

Navigating the turbulent waters of contract management can indeed be daunting. 

But it’s only by recognizing and understanding these challenges that businesses can hope to find effective solutions. 

With the right strategies and tools, it's entirely possible to transform this cumbersome process into a streamlined, efficient, and secure operation. The next move? Leveraging knowledge into action.

document management app
From drafting to sealing the deal, efficient contract management is the unsung hero of business success.

What to Look for in a Contract Management App

Now that you understand the most common challenges in managing contracts, it’s easy to see why more and more businesses are looking to invest in an app for contract management.

But how do you find the right solution?

In the vast ocean of digital advancements, the hunt for the perfect contract management tool can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. 

But when contracts are the pillars of any business operation, it's worth the deep dive. 

If you’re on the quest for the best contract management app Salesforce might offer or a contract management platform that aligns with the needs of a different CRM, here's a distilled guide to assist you. 

Let's dive into the essentials:

1. Comprehensive Features

At the heart of an effective app contract management tool is a suite of comprehensive features. And no, we're not talking about flashy add-ons that sound cool but serve little real-world purpose. Here's what to prioritize:

  • Storage and Access. Whether it’s cloud-based or on-site, robust storage is non-negotiable. It should allow for easy organization, categorization, and quick retrieval, boasting advanced search capabilities. Also, having access in real time ensures immediate responsiveness, a boon in today's fast-paced business landscape.
  • Revisions and Renewals. Seamless tracking of changes, version history, and setting up auto-renewal alerts are features that can be game changers. Especially when you’re handling a plethora of contracts simultaneously.
  • Automated Workflows. Picture this – a contract is uploaded, it automatically gets routed to the right department, is reviewed, edited, approved, and stored without you lifting a finger. That's the magic of automated workflows.

2. Integration Capabilities

Your new shiny contract management tool should be sociable. That means it should play nicely with the other tools and software you use.

For instance, if you are on the Salesforce platform, the best contract management app Salesforce users should aim for would be one that integrates seamlessly. 

It ensures that there's no disruption in your business operations. 

Plus, it's an added bonus if tools like Blaze offer native integrations, which can provide a more streamlined experience than third-party connectors.

This is why contract management apps like Blaze offer pre-built integrations with a wide range of 3rd party tools including, but not limited to:

3. Security Assurances

With data breaches becoming ever more sophisticated, the security of your contract management solutions is of paramount importance. Here's what to look for:

  • Encryption. At rest and in transit, your contracts should be encrypted. No ifs or buts about it.
  • User Permissions. Not every team member should have access to all contracts. A tiered permission system ensures that contracts can only be viewed or edited by authorized personnel.
  • Audit Logs. Imagine being able to track every single action taken on a contract. From edits to access, an audit trail ensures that you always have a clear picture of who did what and when.

4. User-friendliness

The best tools are those that, once you start using them, you wonder how you ever lived without. That’s largely due to their user-friendliness. Some hallmarks of a great user experience in web contract management tools include:

  • Intuitive Design. If you need a PhD to navigate the dashboard, it's not the right tool. Your contract management platform should be straightforward, making complex tasks feel simple.
  • AI Assistance. With the advent of AI, tools can now predict what you’re looking to do, offer shortcuts, or even auto-fill details for you. It’s not just smart; it's futuristic.
  • Ease of Use. Time spent training your team on a new tool is time away from doing what they do best. The learning curve should be minimal.

5. Scalability

Your business is not static. It grows, evolves, and changes. As such, your contract management platform should be nimble enough to adapt. Whether you're a startup today and an enterprise tomorrow or you're branching into new markets, your tool should scale up (or down) based on your needs without skipping a beat.

When wading through the myriad of options out there it's easy to feel overwhelmed… 

But by focusing on these five pillars, you're setting yourself up for success. 

A stellar contract management app isn't just about flashy features; it’s about functionality, security, user experience, and scalability. 

And while we've hinted at Blaze's prowess in seamless integration, remember that the best tool is the one that fits your business like a glove. Because at the end of the day, contracts aren't just pieces of paper (or digital documents). They're commitments, promises, and the foundation of business trust.

web based contract management
With the right tools, the daunting world of contracts becomes a walk in the park. Are you ready to take that step?

Best Practices When Choosing and Implementing a Contract Management App

Diving into the digital realm of contract management is more than just clicking the download button and hoping for the best. It requires thoughtful preparation, careful consideration, and meticulous follow-through. 

As you embark on this digital transformation journey, here are best practices that can ensure you make the most of the process.

1. In-depth Market Research: The Lay of the Land

The Why: Before you can decide on the perfect app, you need to understand the market space. Who are the industry heavyweights? What new tools are making waves? And more importantly, how do they align with your specific needs?

The How: Start with a generic search for web based contract management software or web based contract management tools. Read reviews, participate in forums, and even look at case studies, especially those pertaining to similar industries. For example, if you're in the digital realm, specifically look up contract management for web development agencies. Knowledge of industry-specific solutions will provide an edge in making an informed decision.

2. Define Specific Needs: A Tailor-Made Fit Over One-Size-Fits-All

The Why: Your business is unique. While general functionalities are essential, you might need certain features to address specific challenges or streamline processes in your domain.

The How: Think about every stage of contract creation and management. Do you need advanced approval processes? Is there a need for business process automation to ensure contract compliance? Does your team thrive on business automation, enabling them to focus on core activities? List down these requirements. It's like creating a shopping list before heading to a store; it prevents impulse buys and ensures you get exactly what you need.

3. Trial and Testing: Dip Your Toes Before Taking the Plunge

The Why: A demo or pilot phase allows you to see the app in action. It's like test driving a car; you'll understand its handling, the comfort, and if it truly fits your style.

The How: Most tools, especially cloud-based ones, offer trial versions. Use this period to test every feature. For instance, use the app to manage contracts and see how it handles different contract types, volumes, and complexities. Have multiple team members try it out to get diverse feedback. Remember, an app that's perfect for a manager might be too complex for a junior executive and vice versa.

4. Training and Transition: Smooth Sailing Over Choppy Waters

The Why: The best tool is worthless if your team can't, or won't, use it. Ensuring a seamless transition means less resistance, fewer errors, and quicker ROI.

The How: Onboard a training team or leverage resources from the software provider. Organize workshops, webinars, and Q&A sessions. Address concerns about job redundancy (a common fear with automation) and highlight how the tool can make everyone's work easier and more efficient. Ensure training modules are available for future recruits so that the adoption remains consistent.

5. Regular Reviews: Keep Evolving

The Why: Business needs change, and so do software capabilities. Regular reviews ensure that your contract management app remains aligned with your organizational needs and leverages the latest innovations.

The How: Schedule bi-annual or annual reviews. Evaluate if the tool still meets your requirements, check for new features or updates, and gather team feedback. Maybe there's a new approval process that can further streamline workflows, or perhaps a recently introduced business automation feature can save hours of manual work. Staying updated ensures you always get the best out of your chosen tool.

Choosing and implementing a contract management app is no small feat, but it's not Mount Everest either. 

With careful planning, understanding of specific needs, hands-on testing, thorough training, and regular reviews, you can ensure you’re leveraging the best tool in the market. 

It's about ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and scalability in managing one of the most critical aspects of business operations: contracts. 

So, as you delve into this digital transformation, remember, it's not just about having a tool; it's about having the right tool.

Overcoming Common Pitfalls in Contract Management

Ah, the world of contract management. 

It’s filled with potential, but like any worthy endeavor, it comes with its fair share of pitfalls. Navigating the digital transformation of contract management can be a bit like a tightrope walk. 

web based content management software
Embrace the future, where every contract is at your fingertips, safe, organized, and easily accessible.

Lean too much to one side, and you might find yourself in a bit of a mess. But, with the right balance and awareness of common missteps, you can waltz across with ease.

Here's a guide to overcoming some of the most frequent pitfalls:

Pitfall #1: Beware of 'Feature Fatigue'

  • What is it? Getting so dazzled by the vast array of features that you lose sight of what you actually need.
  • The Solution: Streamlining. While a contract management system may come packed with features like drag and drop functionalities, real-time analytics, and more, it’s crucial to pinpoint the ones that genuinely align with your needs. Just because a web based contract management system or contract management web application offers it, doesn’t mean you need it.
  • Pro Tip: Always refer back to your defined needs. It’s the compass that'll keep you on track.

Pitfall #2: The Challenge of Data Migration

  • What is it? Transferring existing contracts and related data to a new system can be daunting.
  • The Solution: Prioritize accuracy. Ensure that the contracts retain their legally binding nature post-migration. Also, make use of features like audit trail to monitor the migration process for any discrepancies.
  • Stat Alert: A staggering 83% of data migrations fail or exceed their budgets and schedules (Experian). It emphasizes the need for meticulous planning.

Pitfall #3: Tech Glitches: The Unwanted Guests

  • What is it? No technology is foolproof. At some point, you might face technical challenges.
  • The Solution: Always have a reliable support system. It's comforting to know there’s someone to help when things go awry. And while we’re on the topic, Blaze’s customer support is known for its promptness and expertise. Just saying.

Pitfall #4: Resistance to Change within Teams

  • What is it? We’re creatures of habit. Introducing a new system can often be met with reluctance.
  • The Solution: Effective communication. Highlight the benefits and provide training. When teams understand the value and ease of using a new system, resistance fades.
  • Pro Tip: Host Q&A sessions. Address concerns head-on. Make it a team journey, not a mandate.

In the digital realm of contract management, awareness is half the battle. 

By understanding these pitfalls and arming yourself with solutions, you're not just avoiding challenges; you're setting yourself up for success. 

Remember, it’s not about fearing the pitfalls; it’s about conquering them.

How Blaze Elevates Contract Management Without the Hassle

Navigating the world of contract management can feel like being in a maze. 

So many turns, options, and potential pitfalls. 

But imagine if there were a guide that not only directed you safely through but elevated your experience entirely. 

Enter: Blaze.

Here are the top 4 ways Blaze makes contract management a breeze:

  1. Seamless Integrations with Major Platforms

    Remember the times when you’d have to juggle between platforms, manually updating one after tinkering with another? Those days are in the past. Blaze integrates effortlessly with significant platforms, ensuring that you don’t have to be the middleman for your tools. It’s all about letting the technology work for you, not the other way around.

  2. Robust Security Features

    In today's digital age, security isn't just an option—it's a necessity. With rising cyber threats and breaches, it's paramount to ensure that your contract data remains uncompromised. This is especially crucial for sectors dealing with sensitive information.

    For instance, when considering HIPAA compliant app development, it's not just about meeting standards, but exceeding them. And that’s where Blaze shines. Ever wondered how to make an app hipaa compliant? Blaze already has that covered. With its top-notch security protocols, data integrity isn't a hope; it's a guarantee.
  3. A No-Code Experience

    We've all heard of the tedious, often painstaking coding marathons needed to implement new platforms. But what if there were a way to avoid that? Blaze offers a truly no-code experience. This means effortless implementations that don’t require a tech whiz. It's about ensuring that everyone, regardless of their tech proficiency, can leverage the power of Blaze.
  4. Customizable to Your Specific Business Needs

    One size doesn't fit all, especially in business. What works for a retail giant might not suit a local bookstore. Blaze understands this. That's why it offers tailored solutions, customizable to your unique business needs. Whether you're a booming tech startup or a healthcare provider needing HIPAA compliance, Blaze molds itself to serve you best.

Let’s face it: contract management, while essential, can sometimes feel like a necessary evil, especially when dealing with dated or incompatible systems. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Blaze isn't just another tool in the shed; it's the future of hassle-free contract management.

So, while the landscape of contract management continually evolves, with Blaze, you're not just keeping pace. You’re leading the charge. Ready to transform how you manage contracts? Blaze is here to light the way.

Actionable Steps for Businesses to Transition into Efficient Contract Management

Step 1: Audit Current Processes.

Start by taking a deep dive into how you're currently managing contracts. Understand the workflow, pinpoint bottlenecks, and highlight areas of inefficiency. This self-assessment will provide a solid foundation for improvement. It's similar to a health check-up: you can't prescribe a solution without first diagnosing the issue.

Step 2: Define Clear Objectives.

Outline what you want to achieve with a new contract management system. Whether it's streamlining the sales cycle, increasing security, or ensuring integrations with platforms like healthcare ERP, having clear goals will steer your transition in the right direction. It's your compass in this journey.

Step 3: Involve Stakeholders in Selection.

The best solutions are often derived from collective input. Engage various departments, from legal to sales, in choosing the right system. It's not just about top-tier features but ensuring these features align with the needs of those using them daily.

Step 4: Ensure Training for Seamless Adoption.

The most advanced system will falter if users don’t know how to maximize its potential. Prioritize training sessions, possibly collaborating with ERP healthcare specialists for niche platforms. Make it engaging, interactive, and ensure every team member feels confident in their ability to utilize the new tools.

Step 5: Periodically Review and Optimize.

Set aside regular intervals, maybe quarterly or bi-annually, to assess the contract management system's performance. Technologies evolve, business goals shift, and ensuring your system remains aligned with these changes is paramount for long-term efficiency.

contract management app

Step 6: Stay Updated on Evolving Tech.

The tech landscape is perpetually in flux. What’s cutting-edge today might be outdated tomorrow. Regularly explore the market, attend seminars, and connect with experts to ensure you’re not missing out on the next big thing in contract management.

Step 7: Encourage Feedback for Continuous Improvement.

Your team, the daily users of the system, are the best critics. Encourage them to provide feedback, be it positive or areas needing enhancement. It ensures the system remains user-centric and caters to real-world challenges.

Step 8: Explore Custom Solutions for Unique Challenges 

Sometimes, off-the-shelf solutions might not address your unique challenges. In such cases, exploring custom solutions, like those offered by Blaze, can provide tailored efficiency. Think of it as getting a suit stitched to your exact measurements. Perfect fit, every time.

Step 9: Focus on Vendor Support.

Even the best systems can encounter hiccups. During such times, robust vendor support can be a lifesaver. Before settling on a system, evaluate the vendor's reputation in providing prompt, effective support.

Step 10: Ensure Compliance and Legal Standards are Met.

Regulations, especially in industries like healthcare or real estate, can be stringent. Your contract management system should not only meet but exceed these standards, ensuring that all processes are legally binding and compliant.

Embarking on the journey to efficient contract management might seem daunting, but by following these actionable steps, you're well on your way to creating streamlined, efficient, and effective contract processes. 

The future of your contract management looks bright; are you ready to step into the light?

Final Thoughts: Embrace the Future of Contract Management

In a rapidly evolving digital era, clinging to antiquated contract management systems isn't just inefficient—it's a hurdle to business growth. 

The shift towards digitized contract management isn't on the horizon; it's here, now. And those who harness its power will inevitably lead the pack.

Imagine the competitive edge you'd have with swift, seamless contract processes. 

Think about the clarity and efficiency sales teams would gain, closing deals faster and fostering client trust. This isn't just about software—it's about securing a strategic business advantage.

But as with all transformative journeys, the first step is the most critical. Blaze stands ready to illuminate that path. Whether you're aiming to craft custom solutions tailored to your unique challenges or seeking a no-code app builder for dynamic internal tools, Blaze's versatility is unparalleled.

Dive into the future with Blaze. Explore our features and offerings, and let's pioneer the next era of contract management together. Request a demo to get started. The future beckons—are you poised to embrace it?

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